When there are words to be written, your choice should be Annamiina Pulliainen.

My services include
* writing contents and storytelling in three different languages (Finnish, English, German)
* communication projects from small to large scale
* design & illustration


* Bachelor’s degree from Helsinki University in German language, communication and politics
* Office worker of Oulu Music Centre 2001 – 2002

* Blue Shirt Manager at EIC Conference in Oulu 2002

* Trainer for riding since 2005

* Entrepreneur since 2007 (Finland & Germany)
* Author of the books Perusratsastus (2007 / 2014) and Ihannekoiraa etsimässä (with Erkki Pulliainen 2006)
* Illustrator of several books by Erkki Pulliainen
Annamiina Pulliainen Dressage and Art of Dressage have moved to the address: artofdressage.fi

Toiminimi Annamiina Pulliainen

Knaapinkuja 6 B 23
01760 Vantaa

Email tmipulliainen@gmail.com

Tel. +358 44 2429014

Y-tunnus 2127567-9

Photo copyright Annamiina Pulliainen